Wednesday, July 21, 2010

IUI Bummer

Yesterday morning was suppose to be my morning! I was going to go in have several mature follicles and have them administer the trigger shot! I was so excited, really nervous, and totally ready for this. Then they started the U/S and of course all my mature follicles are on my left side! I have become a quick study I can point out my ovaries and uterus on an u/s I can even point out my lining! So when she said that is your right ovary, I knew when I saw the small follicles the gig was up. I knew before she even went to the left side that there would be mature follicles, and I was almost right! There were THREE follicles that would be mature by Thursday! If you don't know, your ovaries tend to share the responsibility of producing eggs. Many people think that they take turns every other month. I know for a fact the past two months it has been my right because of the u/s. So who really knows.

As some of you know I have no tube on the left side, so for my egg to be picked up by the right tube and carry it to the uterus is somewhat of a stretch, not impossible, and surely not with God, but it does throw some kinks into th IUI thing. When they preform an IUI they want the best odds possible since insurance normally only covers it so many time. So after the u/s which I cried at, we met with the doctor, and we decided to just come back on Thursday, and have the trigger shot and then just let this cycle take it's course. It is not impossible, since your ovary swells before the egg is released for it to push up on the tube and the egg to make it's way there just a lot less of a chance then when you have two!

So I know that every time I go through these disappointments that there is some lesson in there. I think I am learning I can not plan on anything, and my doctor who I love felt so bad! She apologized, asked me if I wanted a second opinion and asked if I want to try more invasive tactics. We both (Chris and I) reassured her that that was not how we felt, we knew we were getting the best advice we can get at this point, but that my body is the one fowling things up. I know if we went to a clinic that specializes in fertility from my research it would be the same steps we are taking. I just need to learn that the only thing I can trust in is the Lord! He is the one who has orchestrated all this and it will look more amazing than the Sistine Chapel. With that said it is hard when you are sitting right in the middle of it to see the beauty of the work, and that is where I am asking for help. Please pray that God would allow me to find joy the process even at this stage where it has become so hard. Allowing me to see His hand in all of this.

On a less seriously bummed note, my TV that Chris and I bought two years ago broke! What is that about, prior to that TV I had in that room was a 13' TV that Santa had brought years ago that we had in the bedroom. Can you explain to be how new technology does not last as long as the old. Oh and by the way the TV and VCR were still working it just had a slight hint of green in the top right corner. Well we called the service number on the extended warranty we bought last night and yes they were open at 11pm and they are sending us a full reimbursement for the TV. So I guess Chris and I will be out shopping for a bedroom TV again. I sure do like new stuff. May even be able to upgrade to 1080 from 720dpi! I am such a dork!

1 comment:

  1. Your paragraph on disappointment reminds me of a poem I read years ago called "The Tapestry" on this side of things it looks like God has used too many dark colors but when you turn it around you will be amazed at the beautiful thing HE has created! (roughly paraphrased since I have no idea were my copy would be right now!) I am praying for both of you. Sherri
