Big Mac is a sweet child with a lot of hurt and confusion. He really understands why he is here, and knows what needs to happen to go back home. He goes to school during the week, and requires a lot of structure, prompting, and space sometimes. We know that things didn't get like this over night so we are trying to remind ourselves it wont change over night. I give mad props though to parents of children with mood disorders, or who place on the autism spectrum. Parenthood is a 24/7 things, but I am convinced that that makes it feel more like a 48/7 one. We are committed to doing what is bed for Big Mac, we are convinced another loss will not in anyway be good for him.
He had his birthday yesterday, and he was so excited about it all week. I am not sure what these have looked like on the past to him, but he seemed to have a good day. He finally has his own bike to ride with a helmet. He also got a new blanket for his beds with the Cars cars on it. My inlaws sent him a new race truck, and he really loved that. One things we learned early on with him is a lot of new things can be bad for him. To much change and stimulation. So we decided not to have a party on his true bday, hoping to have one this week with some of his new friends. whom he cannot remember their names. I am always prompting him to call them by their real names.
Small Fry is our little red headed chunker. He is so easy going, and pretty much will go with the flow. He eats, sleeps, requires a lot of diaper changes, then crawls around looking for things to put in his mouth. It is hard with Big Macs toys to make sure he is safe sometimes. Small Fry naps well, and for the most part sleeps through the night. He has grown like a weed since we go him and his hair is getting thicker. For the most part he smiles and goes to anyone with a arm reached out for him. He loves to face outwards so he can see what is going on around him also. He is pulling up on things and trying to walk along the sides of things like couches and tables. I believe it wont be long before he is toddler"ing" around. He is also working on the spoon to mouth concept. It looks more like a drumstick that sometimes gets sucked on though at this point.
Chris and I are realizing that taking two on at the same time so different in age may have not be the wisest choice, but we are sure God has them with us for a reason. This is not a forever thing and we look forward to being able to bless them as much as we can until everything is figured out for these two guys, They are very special, and we love them so much.
Please pray or Chris and I if you think of it. We are really struggling and working on learning how to live and deal with so much really fast. With Big Mac's issues, and a growing baby, it is a lot. We are trying to remember, that we can not do anything in our own strength but we need to rely on Gods!
Side Note: Yesterday we took them to church, and we currently do not have any children's programming during services for children out of kindergarten. Big Mac could technically still go back but we decided to have him stay with us, since it wouldn't be like that in a month. With it being his birthday and all the other attention issues he haswe worried about him sitting through a service so late inthe evening. But he sat through the whole services. He did an amazing job. He was also listening and commenting to be about what our pastor was saying. So what if he heard we were all bricks and he said he could carry a brick, at least he heard something.
Yup were all bricks!!! He stayed awake, didn't crawl on a row of chairs (Jacob did though!) and he took something from the message. I'd say that is a great accomplisment! We're praying for all of you....