So you can imagine the things that ran through my mind when I walked out of their house and left for a week. I didn't know if their children would be nice to my lil' guys . I knew these people had to have the same training as Chris and I, and the same background and invasive state checklist checked off. Lets face it though, we have all heard of foster farms, and foster parents who are really not in it for the children. I really haven't come across any of those yet, but the Lifetime Channel really exploits this concept in the movie line ups.
Much to my surprise Chris and I enjoyed our time sleeping in and spending time with my family. Chrissy's wedding was amazing, and Big Mac and Small Fry behaved so well, I started to wonder what we were doing wrong at home. The family who took care of them were amazing and really showed my little happy meal a lot of love and fun, and I pray that if we go out of town again and can not take the kiddos that they will be there to help us love this children.
Chris reminded me that a lot of work went into Big Mac's behavior before this little trip and that it his stellar performance was a product of a lot of work on our end. Like my mother always said she would rather us act up at home.
Now we are all back home and hoping we settle back into a nice routine.
Big Mac is in a summer program at school and I can't wait till he goes on Monday so I can get some cleaning and unpacking done. Small Fry popped two teeth while we were gone for a grand total of six teeth. They both appear to be growing into little giants. Small Fry is looking less like a infant and more like a toddler, and he is working hard on that toddling. It wont be long before he
is chasing me around. Big Mac is looking so much older also.
I can not begin to understand how there mother feels every week now. I know for sure I will be sending more pictures, if in ten days I feel like they are completely different I am sure she is overwhelmed by their changes every
Prayer Request
- Bio Mom! She is a nice lady and she loves her kids. It cant hurt for all of us to pray that things work out for her.
- Big Mac, he is working hard towards a goal at school and I think he will be able to make it in the next week, if he does he can go on a beach trip on Thursday. This is a weekly thing, but it is hard work to stay on the top level which they call Alpha! He is working his way back from the bottom level. Three More Days!
- Small Fry is getting teeth like crazy, and growing like crazy!
- Chris's job. He has had a hard time with the kids and work. Please pray that the Lord gives him strength, there is a lot going on at the church. PTL we are having the groundbreaking service tomorrow and it looks like they will start building on Monday.
- Patti VBS! It is the 17th-22nd! As the director I have not done all I did last year, but I also know the Lord knows my heart and what is going on. I am praying that is will all come together, and that the Lord w

ill touch many kids lives! Also pray that the kids will be understanding with me that week. As there is a ton of running around and things to be done.
Since we just got the kids back I really done have a funny convo or story yet. Don't worry I will keep listening for one and as soon as I have one I will post.
I will leave with this note that we bought Big Mac a Bible the other day. Today we gave it to him and he was so excited. Not sure why because he can not read and I am not sure he really understand all the praying and "God Stuff" yet. He asked is he could take it outside and show his friends next door. We said yeah sure, kind of baffled, like this was not a new lego set. We hear him showing it to the kids and he said ye
ah we take these to church and we read little section of it every week. Then one of the kids asked why do you go to
church, if I could have heard his answer I would have paid a million dollars. I looked at Chris and said I bet his answer was ... humm because Chris and Patti make me. Right before bed though he had Chris come down stairs and get his Bible so he could have it on the night stand next to him in the AM.
(PS he says the part where people write who it was presented to and by who, and the date you received it. I filled all of that out and he asked me later on this afternoon about it. I told him when he went home he could look at that and remember who gave him the bible and when. He looked at the page and hugged it and hugged me and said "I love my Bible!")
Pictures or Small Fry. He always rubs his head during feeding or when he is sleepy! Sometimes he pulls on it and it makes me think about the playdoh heads that you push and hairs comes out the top. I think he thinks if he pulls hard enough more hair will be there to play with. I just had to also include a shot of his feet. So stinkin' cute!
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