See I am one of those people the kind who worries about how other people see me. I have been working on this for years, not caring what others think only what God thinks. But listen none of us lady's get our hair done, nails did, and eyebrows waxed because we don't care. It is is natural to want to be like and approved of. What I have learned with these kids though is that it is okay to not make everyone happy.
I have had people tell me to pick Small Fry up because he was crying in his stroller, or that that is not an acceptable toy for him to play with. I have gotten the stares in public when Big Mac is throwing a fit, like control your kid. You would think it was like we are ignoring his behavior all together. What I have realized is they don't know anything about me! They do not know what I am doing all day every day with these kids. They do not know about Small Fry or Big Mac, they probably haven't seen in their 30,40 or 80 years the things these kids have. The don't realize I didn't give birth to these kids or that I am not their forever home. So why do I care what they think? Good question, because it is only natural! Should I care what they think, maybe a little. I probably shouldn't take Big Mac out to the store with me if he has been on edge all day out of respect for others at the store. If I don't have to I shouldn't drag Small Fry out if he is fussy! No one enjoys their Panera with the Small Fry screaming. Let me say this though, I am not going to stop living my life! Yes I am a foster mother, and my kids are far from well behaved all the time, and no kid is well behaved all the time! I have been approved by the State of NY (keep you jabs to yourself) to take care of these children. When they received custody of these children they though hey I think Chris and Patti Collins maybe a good fit for these kids needs. I do recall taking a ten week course and having someone inspect my house to see if it is safe! More importantly, God thought we would be a good for a place for this Happy Meal! He knew the choices I would make, he knew the melt downs Big Mac would have in public! He knew that no matter what others think I have the best interest of the these kids in front of His throne!
Yes I make mistakes, but who doesn't. So next time you are glaring or judging anyone not just someone with kids, stop and think about what you don't know about that person.
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